Thank you to everyone that attended, both in person and virtually, to our 2022 Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. We had a great turnout, and the highest number of votes for our BOD election in a number of years.
A big thank you to Donna Stevens for coordinating and organizing the event this year. Also, we appreciate each of the program and specialty chairs for providing their annual updates.

50-year members!
Town Hall and Annual Meeting Highlights
Each of our programs hosted Town Hall sessions to start the afternoon. This included Road Racing, Autocross and Rally/RallyCross. Highlights from each of those sessions included the following:
Road Racing
- There will be one fewer race in 2023 than 2022. We lost one event at Palmer this season.
- There will be a new TRiPS volunteer program debuting this year. Points will be earned and saved electronically (no more paper coupons), and can be redeemed via email. Stay tuned as the final details are ironed out. Old coupons will still be honored, at the $8 value. Starting in 2023, each coupon earned will now have a value of $10.
- Remember we still have our Volunteer incentive program to earn a free membership. Do not let not having, or paying for, an SCCA membership keep new volunteers from an event.
- Also remember, we can get Under 18’s out and involved in our worker programs.
- Heads up for drivers from the Tech team – new to 2023, all vehicles MUST have a forward-facing camera with the ability to provide digital footage of the entire time on track. (See GCR 9.3.11. CAMERA AND CAMERA MOUNTS)
- Bob Davis will stay on in 2023 as the Solo Chair. However, please welcome Will Koscielny and Melanie Kwong as his assistant co-chairs, who will be learning the ropes to take over next year.
- The 2023 Solo Schedule should be finalized within the next two weeks. Stay tuned and watch email, Pit Talk and the region FB pages for the announcements.
- Look for a Test and Tune at the first event of the year, instead of the Starting Line School. Still working on adding an Evo School as well to the schedule.
- This year we will have redundant timing systems.
- Discussion of the disappointment and frustration with the National office suspension of the RallySprint program.
- Welcome of the new RallyCross Chairs – Chris Martin and Trish Munson.
- Discussed a rule change to allow removal of front and rear covers in stock class.
- 508 Winter Series starting this weekend (1/14, 2/4, 3/11)
- First RR event: Winter Challenge 2/18
- Suspended the work requirement from the RR Championship since the move to GPS timing has reduced the need for workers.
- Discussion of timing bus replacement. Keep an eye out for something without any rust.
Annual Meeting
- While national dues are increasing for 2023, NER voted to keep region dues at the same rate.
- Peter Schneider gave a presentation on the role of SCCA BOD members, what they can and cannot do, and their responsibilities.
- Financially, the region is in strong shape. Although with inflation and ever-increasing costs, some event prices will be rising and program chairs are keeping a close eye on expenses to insure we stay in a healthy financial position.
- The new NER Board of Directors election was finalized, and the winning members were announced.
- All program and specialty chairs provided updates and recaps of the last year’s activities.
Annual Awards
During our awards banquet, we honored the Season Champions for each of our programs. Winners from Road Racing, Solo, RallyCross, and Road Rally collected their trophies.
Additionally, this is an event where we take a moment to honor a few special people within our club. Those members that go above and beyond. That are something special. That make a difference and leave an impact. Please congratulate the following people on their awards.
Region Awards
Gold Pass: James Ray and Roland Clark
RE Award: Bob Davis
Asst. RE Award: Doug White

Solo Awards
Charlie Award: Steve Twaddle
Stirling Moss: Grant Reeve

Road Racing Awards
Ma & Pa Philbrick: Laura “Blossom” Villaume and Peter “Thumper” Villaume

Rally Awards
Cameron Dewar Cup: Chris Regan
Ted Goddard lifetime achievement award: Gerald and Julie Goulet

2023-2024 NER Board of Directors
Please welcome the new BOD for the coming year. The following members have volunteered their time and skills to serve in these leadership roles. Questions, concerns, and ways to get involved with our region leaders can be directed to them.
Regional Executive – Abhi Ghatak
Assistant Regional Executive – Steven Introne
Treasurer – Dick Patullo
Director/Secretary – George Farrar
Director – Dave Patten
Director – Paul Omichinski
Director – Jennifer Ferreira
Director – Jeff Adams
Director – Dan Sheppard
Director – Hiroshi Hatano
Director – Mark Gregory
Notable Anniversaries
The Annual Meeting is also a time to recognize those members who have reached milestone anniversaries. Please join us in congratulating this year’s 50-year and 25-year members.
50 Years
Joanna B Ellis
Philip G Gott
Robert W. Mann Jr.
George W Miller
Philip G Perron
David E Pettigrew
Donna Stevens
John Tartaglia
25 Years
Irene Brockway
Chuck Fernandez
Mark Gregory
Marilyn Gudsnuk
Melissa Ellen Introne
Michael J Lavigne
Tom Less
Elizabeth H Lyons
Maureen Masters
Dennis McCarthy
Christopher G Milton-Hall
Sandra L. Milton-Hall
Russell A Quintal
Bruce Smith
Susan Taylor
Deborah Turner