Pit Talk Archives
Pit Talk is one of SCCA’s longest running regional publications. Since it’s debut in 1953, Pit Talk has continuously been published over seven decades. From the original typewriter newsletter of the 1950’s, to the most recent transition to an online digital publication at PitTalk.org, Pit Talk has documented the results, highlights, and shared the stories of amateur racers and workers through the years.
This digital archive of every copy of Pit Talk is courtesy of the hard work of Donna Stevens and Denise Patten. Their dedication to preserving the history of New England Region has made the creation of this historical record possible.
Take a minute and go back in time. Reminisce about the races back then, re-live the memories, and enjoy seeing how racing has both changed and stayed the same.








1955 are currently unavailable. Due to the rapid growth of the region that year, copies were not kept.