In 2023, it felt like RAL lost it’s luster. As a region, we fell down on the job. That’s not who we want to be, or how we want to represent ourselves to the one charitable event we commit to supporting each year.
For 2024, let’s do better. Let’s be better.
Mark You Calendar
To do that, we need to start now. Our RAL event this year is scheduled to coincide with our NERRC event at New Hampshire Motor Speedway July 27-28. Mark your calendars.
Get Informed
It’s become apparent many people do now know the history and origins of RAL – Racing Against Leukemia. In short, this is a cause that began in the 1990’s when one of our racing family was diagnosed with childhood leukemia. Ever since then, our region has raised funds and donated them to the UMass Memorial Foundation for cancer research.
Read the history of RAL here.
Every one of us has been touched by cancer. Every one. Cancer is something we can all relate to.
Get Involved
Last year had very few volunteers helping to make RAL happen, which is a big reason for it’s lackluster success. This year, the more volunteers, the better we can make it.
Road Racing will host the annual Auction at the NERRC event at NHMS.
Solo and Rally – get together within your respective programs and designate an event/activity that everyone can get behind for RAL this year.
Start Working
RAL is at heart a fundraiser event. We need everyone in NER to get involved. This can be done in multiple ways.
- Donate goods or services for the auction
- Organize a fundraising challenge – an iRacing event, etc.
- Be the point person for your class, race group, specialty to lead a fundraising goal
- Research if your employer will do corporate gift matches
- Come up with your own fundraising idea!
Get Donations
A charitable donation link is already available for 2024. Use this link for any events/activities to make online donations.
The bottom line is, if we want RAL to continue to be the charitable outreach of the New England Region, this is the year we have to step up and re-invigorate it to make it happen.
Contact People
The following BOD members have volunteered to be point people and collection locations for donations for the RAL auction. Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions, drop off items for the auction, or to coordinate ideas of fundraising events. (But small hint – pretty much anything goes. However you want to raise money, go for it! Have fun!)
Abhi Ghatak – 508.265.8025 (Milford, NH)
George Farrar – 508.868.5093 (Charlton, MA)
Thomas McGinn – 802.309.3478 (Warwick, RI)
Karen Petersen – 860.523.9252 (West Harford, CT)