2020 NERRC Season
Last winter, as drivers and crews prepared for the coming 2020 road racing season – none of them expected what eventually ended up happening. This year was unlike any other. With multiple events cancelled as the season was about to commence due to Covid-19 restrictions, racers alongside event organizers were forced to wait, watch, and then adjust to a constantly changing environment. And many drivers simply could not return to racing this year, as job losses, financial struggles, health concerns, or a myriad of other factors impacted their ability to race. They were missed, and as plans for 2021 commence, we hope to see those faces back at a track with us soon.
Despite all the challenges, the club racing board worked tirelessly with its team of chiefs and track managers to give the road racing community a competitive season while keeping drivers, crew and volunteer workers as safe as possible. In the end, the region hosted five NERRC points events, including our first ever NIGHT RACE at Thompson Speedway. NERRC events were eventually held at all the usual tracks – New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Palmer Motorsports Park and Thompson Speedway. Limerock Park, with the single June event of the year, was the only track the region was unable to host an event at for 2020.

2020 NERRC Championship Rule Changes
With three events completely cancelled off the schedule, the rules for the NERRC series required some adjustments. In August, the CRB announced that competitors would only need to complete in 2 weekends to qualify, and the top 8 finishing points would be used to calculate the winners. Under these guidelines, NER is excited to announce this year’s champions for each of the region classes.
From the CRB and JB Swan
To all in NER Drivers, workers, family and friends:
What a surprising year. While we are at the end of our 2020 racing season, preparations have already begun for 2021. Next year’s schedule is being finalized and I am hoping to make an announcement soon. I would like to congratulate all of this year’s champions. Thanks go out to all of the drivers that participated in our 2020 season and those who helped make our events a big success. In particular, a big THANK YOU to the workers who volunteer, show up, and ensure our events go off without a hitch.
2020 was a trying time and the members of NER made the best of it. We had to adapt to new guidelines and requirements, and we did it to the best of our ability. Last winter, when we scheduled a night race – some thought that was a crazy idea. But NER stepped up and it went off very well. As always we finished the year off strong.
As we go forward planning for 2021, if you are looking to step up and do something different we are always looking for volunteers to be race chair for an event. Additionally, we are looking for someone to be the sound control administrator. Charlie Burke has done a fantastic job the last few years in that roll, and we’re so grateful.
See you all soon!
JB Swan
Season Photos
We had many photographers attend club racing events to capture images of our racers. Check results pages for links to their individual albums. And if you’re looking to print and share these photos, be sure and order directly from the photographer to support their art and hard work.
James Ray is one club photographer that makes all of images available to the club. He’s at almost all our events and graciously shares his amateur photos with the region. Each of the photos below of a region champion is courtesy of James. The next time you see him, be sure and thank him for all of his time and efforts to capture these photos.
2020 NERRC Champions
New England Region and the NERRC Championship, presented by Thompson Speedway, is proud to announce the following 2020 NERRC Champions. Please congratulate each of these 31 drivers on their well-earned titles for this season.
AS Champion
George Farrar

B-Spec Champion
David Oliveria

EP Champion
Mike Frost

F5 Champion
Richard Johnson Jr.

FC Champion
Douglas Rocco

FF Champion
Edward Callo

FP Champion
Peter Tonelli II

FV Champion
John Piscitelli

FX Champion
Ron Coldon

GT1 Champion
Douglas Valley

GT2 Champion
Glen Kurkjian

GT3 Champion
Christopher Howard

GTL Champion
Jorge Santos

HP Champion
Fred White

IT7 Champion
Daniel Sheppard

ITA Champion
David Colbey

ITB Champion
Nat Wentworth

ITE Champion
John Branscombe II

ITEZ Champion
Michael Ruggiero

P2 Champion
Paul Omichinski

SM Champion
Evan Karl

SM2 Champion
John Raudat

SPU Champion
Joseph A. Boruch III

SRF Champion
Mark Saviet

SRF3 Champion
Lincoln Young

SSM Champion
John Santos

STL Champion
Rob Sturgis

T1 Champion
Mark Ketenci

T2 Champion
Maurizio Cerasoli

T3 Champion
Allen Briere

T4 Champion
Stephen Blethen