Pit Talk set the standard for region communications when it first debuted almost 75 years ago. Repeatedly recognized and awarded for its coverage of region events and a way to share the stories and adventures of racers throughout the Northeast, it is with pleasure that the New England Region is now launching the next generation of this historic and classic publication. Welcome to the new PITTALK.ORG!

A New Digital Format

As media outlets across the country have realized, the new face of communications is digital. Traditional printed publications are on the decline as readers and viewers transition to screens and mobile devices to obtain, view, and share news. It is with this eye on the current and the future that the region made the decision to re-create everything NER members love about the traditional Pit Talk, but in a new digital format.

Additionally, by utilizing a web-based platform, the editors of Pit Talk will now have greater functionality at our fingertips to offer more interactive and engaging content. From video clips to social-media sharing, the new Pit Talk is no longer limited to simply a printed page.

What to Expect

PitTalk.org will not be a static site. Far from it. New content is already planned and in development for the coming months. What is displayed on the home page today, will constantly change as new articles, videos, and recaps of races and region events occur, are written, and then shared. A few highlights for the site currently include:

  • Calendar of Events: All region events are easily searchable on the Calendar page.
  • Archive and Search Function: Search all articles by name, event, location or whatever peaks your interest.
  • Race Results: Find the most recent race results here on the site.
  • Region Info: Located region info – contacts, membership details, merchandise order forms, or track info.
  • Social Media Sharing: Share your favorite articles with friends and family on your personal Facebook, Twitter and social media platforms.

But for those that relish and enjoy holding a physical magazine, we have you covered! Once a year, Pit Talk will publish an annual yearbook. Expected to be around 30-pages, this yearly publication will recap all the year’s events, recognize season winners and award recipients, and summarize all the highlights from the year of SCCA New England Region racing. Look for this publication to hit mailboxes over the winter.

In the Future

As we continue to develop and grow the site, be on the look out for new features. In the coming weeks, we will offer the opportunity to subscribe to the site to receive email updates when new content is posted.  So stay tuned, come back often, and watch the region’s Facebook page for additional notifications of new content.

For those interested in being a part of this new adventure, the Board of Directors and Editors of Pit Talk would love your involvement. If you have photos to share, ideas for articles, or would like to draft content for submission and publication, please contact us at Editor@PitTalk.org. We want Pit Talk to be a true communication vehicle between all members. The more voices contributing to it’s development, the better it will be!