Final 2021 RAL Donations

Historically, the New England Region has generously come together to support and raise funds for the UMass Memorial Medical Center. Our recent history of fundraising includes:

In 2017, NER members donated $10,017.

In 2018, NER members donated $9,000.

In 2019, NER members donated over $15,000.

In 2020, DURING A PANDEMIC, NER members donated $8,163.

For 2021, we’re excited to announce that the final total is $13,831.52. Between cash donations, online donations, the raffle and auctions, every NER program participated and hosted events this year, together raising almost $14,000.

A big THANK YOU to everyone that helped organize RAL events this year, and to all the members that donated.

NER RAL Weekend Recap