As 2023 comes to a close, the final points tallies for both RallyCross and Road Rally have been calculated. Congratulations to each of these drivers on claiming their championship title for the year.

Be sure to join us at the 2024 Annual Meeting where trophies will be presented.

Road Rally Season Champions

Class E

Driver – Mark Stone

Navigator – Chris Regan

Class L

Driver – Satish Gopalkrishnan

Navigator – Savera D’Souza

Class S

Driver – Alex Kuhner

Navigator – Phil Lamoureaux

Cameron Dewars

Satish Gopalkrishnan & Savera D’Souza

RallyCross Season Champions

Stock RWD

George Farrar

Stock FWD

Brandon Dryer

Stock AWD

Maxim Merkuryev

Prepared FWD

Hal Denham

Prepared AWD

Chris Regan

Modified RWD

David Baker

Modified FWD

Stephanie Reeve

Modified AWD

Nathan Simeon