Ryan Field Earns SCCA Solo Rookie of the Year Honors
For the third time, one of NER’s own was awarded the honor of Solo Rookie of the Year for 2018. Growing up with a love of cars, he first entered into the autocross world in 2012 when a friend bought a Miata and introduced him to the sport.
2018 marked his rookie season and first trip to Nationals. Not only did Ryan claim the NER PAX Championship, he also earned his first National Championship in EP. “The entire trip to Nationals was the highlight of my year,” Ryan explained. “I’ll remember it forever.” A convoy of eight people and four vehicles did the entire 1.5 week trip together. This included a 2-hour pit stop at the World’s Largest Truck Stop where the Solo community came together to change out wheel bearings to keep the convoy headed home.
“Ryan put down a significant lead on the first day, then extended it on the second day, beating some long time competitors in that class,” explained Kathy Barnes about Ryan’s Nationals performance. “This is after he only drove the car at two events beforehand!”
Ryan’s E-Prepared Honda Civic was provided and set-up by Brian and Don Kuehl. “I owe them a massive thanks for letting me use their car. I also need to thank my PROJECT.Devens family, my parents for letting me store my car at their house, and especially Justin Chen for being a great friend and co-driver.”
As Ryan continues to develop his driving skills, he’s also activity giving back to the Solo program by working as an instructor, and learning how to run events at the National Convention. In 2019, expect to see him on the courses with his own SSM Miata.
For all the other rookies and novices out there, he advises “Don’t be afraid because you think your car isn’t fast, excitig or competitive. Autocross is all about having fun, and you can do that in any car.” He concludes with, “Listen to everyone, ride with other, and use instructors whenever you can.”
We look forward to seeing many more record setting performances from Ryan in the coming season.