COVID-19 has had—and continues to have—wide-spread impacts to SCCA events and operations across the country, including the ability for our workers to support events and earn membership discounts this year. We wanted to reduce that impact, so we’ve created a “Bonus VIP event” to help members retain some level of VIP participation. Following the steps below will add the event to your profile and provide a bonus two-days worked to your total for the year. The minimum number of days needed to reach the $15 discount level is 4 days, so this will require members to work at least 2 days.
Login to your Member Account Portal
Scroll down to MY VIP DAYS on your profile page
Enter Event Date: 04/01/2020
Select the event SCCA National Office COVID-19 Worker Relief Event (Max. 2 days)
The number of days worked will default to 2 days—this cannot be edited
Select the specialty you normally work
Click SAVE