NOW AVAILABLE: Competition Driver School and Get On Track Event
Competition Drivers School
NER SCCA in conjunction with Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park would like to announce the New England Region Competition Drivers School which will be held on Friday, June 12 at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park.
This will be a 1 day school from 8am to 5pm on Friday. Registration will be open from 5-8pm on Thursday night, or after 7am on Friday morning. Drivers are asked to be in the classroom no later than 7:45am. This school will have two groups – one open wheel and one closed wheel. Registration is currently open and available on Motorsports.reg.
**NOTE: These details have not been updated on Motorsports.reg yet. But this is the correct information.
Get on Track Event
Also announced is a Get on Track event on Saturday, June 13. While this is not an SCCA event, NER has teamed up with Thompson to hold a track event that will meet state restrictions and still provide a viable motorsports event opportunity. Supps and event schedule links are below. This event is open to all SCCA licensed race car drivers, crew and workers only. No spectators allowed.
The day will be broken up into two different types of practices.
The morning on-track sessions will be regular open track practices by group. Groups are based on performance levels.
In the afternoon, two Timed Practice sessions will be held by group. These sessions will be led by the Pace Car to Start/Finish for one start per session, and then continue as a regular practice session until time ends. Grid positions for the first Timed Practice will be random. Grid positions for the second Timed Practice will be based on best lap time from Timed Practice 1. For Timed Practices, no point by required to pass.
While this not a race event, it should be fun and provide drivers with an on-track event to work out the cobwebs from winter and get the competitive juices flowing again.
More Details
Driver’s school competitors may camp at the track Thursday night if they arrive early to register between 5-8pm that night.
The Get On Track event is hosted by Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park. It will consist of 5 run groups, with a max of 35 cars per group and an overall total entry max of 100 cars. Gates open at 7am and first cars on track at 9am. The cost of this event is $250. Registration will open on June 1 on Motorsports.reg. The order of receipt of registrations will determine eligibility.
This event is only for participants, no spectators allowed. A driver plus 3 crew members is the max entry. No double-dipping on groups.
Garages are available and can only have 1 car per bay. These can be purchased and reserved on a first come first serve basis directly through the Thompson reservation system here.
Contact JB Swan or Lou Gingerella (860-460-0930) with any questions.
Run Groups and Classes
Race Group 1: ITA, IT7, SM2, STL, B Spec, SpecE30, SM, ITB, ITC, T3, T4, ITEZ, SM5, SSM
Race Group 2: FA, FC, FE, FF, FX, CFC, FS, P1, P2, ASR, S2, SRFX**, NCF
Race Group 3: SRF, SRF3, EVSR, SPU, EP, FP, HP, GTL
Race Group 4: GT1, GT2, GT3, GTX, PX, SPO, AS, T1, T2, ITE, ITR, ITS, STU
Race Group 5: FV, F5, FST, F6, FVCC
Get On Track Schedule
7:00 AM noon Registration Open
7:00 AM 7:00 PM Garage Open
7:00 AM Inspection Opens
7:45 AM Flag Meeting
8:00 AM Rescue 1 & A1 Arrive
8:15 AM Driver’s Meeting
9:00 AM 9:15 AM Group 1Practice
9:20 AM 9:35 AM Group 2 Practice
9:40 AM 9:55 AM Group 3 Practice
10:00 AM 10:15 AM Group 4 Practice
10:20 AM 10:35 AM Group 5 Practice
10:40 AM 10:55 AM Group 1 Practice
11:00 AM 11:15 AM Group 2 Practice
11:20 AM 11:35 AM Group 3 Practice
11:40 AM 11:55 AM Group 4 Practice
12:00 PM 12:15 PM Group 5 Practice
12:15 PM 1:00 PM LUNCH
1:05 PM 1:25 PM Group 1 Timed Practice 1
1:30 PM 1:50 PM Group 2 Timed Practice 1
1:55 PM 2:15 PM Group 3 Timed Practice 1
2:20 PM 2:40 PM Group 4 Timed Practice 1
2:45 PM 3:05 PM Group 5 Timed Practice 1
3:10 PM 3:30PM Group 1 Timed Practice
3:35 PM 3:55 PM Group 2 Timed Practice
4:00 PM 4:20 PM Group 3 Timed Practice
4:25 PM 4:45 PM Group 4 Timed Practice
4:50 PM 5:10 PM Group 5 Timed Practice