RAL Sets Recent Year Donation Record
WOW! NER members really came through this year. Unsure of whether our annual RAL fundraising event would even occur this year, the region members stepped up in a big way. When all the final numbers were tallied, New England Region donated more money to the UMass Memorial Medical Center this year than they have in the last eight years – beating out our 2022 $17,125 donation (which was super impressive.)
A check was sent from our accounts for $9,197.50, which was combined with $9,425.00 in donations made directly through the online giving portal. That makes our grand total:
Talking to long-time members, there may have been a previous year that surpassed this amount when donations were collected all year long. But as far as our recent fundraising efforts, this was definitely an event that topped the recent donation totals. that It goes without saying that the generosity of our region is unmatched. Well done.
NERRC #4 RAL Recap Event