Written by Rich Currey
It’s now officially November, and the only one of our disciplines crazy enough to keep going is our Rally / RallyX group. For the rest of us it is a time to regroup and prepare for next season. For the Club, however, things don’t stop happening, though they may slow down a little bit. It is a time when many of our members have a little extra time on their hands.
Contact Specialty Leaders
Specialty Competition Boards
This is a time when the club could use your help and it is a chance to do something for the club that maybe you hadn’t thought of. Each of our disciplines (Road Racing, Solo, Time Trials, and Rally / RallyX) have competition boards who organize and present all the events that you participate in through the year. They are typically comprised of a small group of individuals compared to the number of participants that we have. They dedicate their time and effort to ensuring that you have an opportunity to do what you love. Well, if you haven’t guessed, they can always use additional hands.
We are a volunteer club. The folks that dedicate themselves to making our events happen need help. You don’t need to volunteer in a leadership position unless you want to, but please consider contacting the leadership of your disciplines, or the Board of Directors themselves, to offer your time and expertise. Everyone in the club has something to offer, and we can certainly find a way for you to contribute as well.
There is an old saying. “Many hands make light work”. Your offer of help could be the difference between an event failing and an event succeeding. It will give you an opportunity to learn how the club operates from a different perspective. And who knows, you might be inspired to take a greater role in club operations when the club desperately needs it.
Thank Our Specialty Leaders
The future of our club rests on the shoulders of our membership and their willingness to step up in times of need. I would like to acknowledge and thank the discipline leaders and the folks that they work with for another hugely successful year. Solo Chair Alex Jackson and his team put on 12 great events. JB Swan and his team presented 7 superb events. And Scott Carlson and his team presented 6 outstanding RallyX events (with 2 to go this year) and Jon Lamkins and his group ran 8 Road Rally events that were tremendously successful. And I can’t leave out Time Trials, under the leadership of Paul Omichinski who has forged a partnership with CART, Connecticut Autocross and Rally Team, to present 4 events this year, including a National Tour event. And lastly, though technically not the region’s events, we can’t forget Track Night in America led primarily through the efforts of Kathy Barnes and Greg Amy regionally and all the folks that put those events on. They managed to present 20 events this year!! Each of these leaders has a team of people, numbering well over 100 combined, without whom we could not hold any of these events. Thank you for all you do for the club.
2019 Events
Solo – 12 Events
Road Racing – 7 Events
Rally X – 6 Events so far (2 to go)
Road Rally – 8 Events
Time Trials – 5 Events
Track Night in America – 20 Events
Board Members
These are not the only folks who dedicate their time. There are also our Board members, 3 of whom are leaving the Board this year. I would like to thank them for their service as well. Phil Lamoreaux, Brian Doherty, and Jessie Carroll have been an integral part of the Board this year and in previous years. And also thanks to the rest of our Board as well. Your help this year has made my first year as RE an easy one. When you see any of these folks, give them a shout out. It means a lot.
Remember, the folks that dedicate their time to our club have limits on how long they can do things. Sometimes their job will require that they step back, sometimes family, or sometimes they are just at their limits. Please consider volunteering to lighten the load of those who are working so hard for your enjoyment, and to be able to step up to a leadership position if you are so inclined.