We look forward to seeing you all in-person or virtually for our Annual Meeting on Saturday January 7th.
Here is some important information, including the links for the Zoom meetings if you cannot attend in person.

Schedule and Zoom Links
Following the Annual meeting the New England Region Awards Dinner will run from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. The cash bar will open at 5:00pm. The Awards Dinner is sold out.
We will not be providing lunch; however, the hotel provides take-out service. They have a lunch menu that includes soups, salads, sandwiches, and burgers. You can order and pay at the front desk, and they will notify you when it is ready. Drinks and other beverages are available for purchase in the lobby and the region will be providing coffee service and cookies during our meetings.
The detailed agenda is provided below. If any member would like an agenda topic added to the meeting agenda, please contact Abhi Ghatak by email at [email protected].
Also, the region would like to thank KONI North America for their sponsorship of our annual meeting.

NER 2023 Annual Meeting Schedule
Jan 7, 2023
11:30pm – 1:30pm Road Racing Town Hall
12:00pm – 1:30pm Rally / RallyX Town Hall
12:00pm – 1:30pm Solo Town Hall
1:30pm – 2:00pm Free Time
2:00pm – 4:00pm NER Annual Meeting
Acknowledgement of Past RE’s
Remembrance of Members Lost
Approval of Minutes from January 2022
Treasurer’s Report: Richard Patullo (Vote to accept)
2024 Dues
Area 1 Director’s Report: Peter Schneider
Program / Specialty Reports (Vote for all)
– Road Racing: JB Swan
– Rally / RallyX: Chris Regan
– Time Trials: Paul Omichinski
– Solo: Bob Davis
– Pit Talk / NER.org: Melissa Introne
– Archives: Donna Stevens
– Merchandise: Donna Stevens
– Membership: Kathy Barnes / Paul Krysiak
State of the Club
Election Results
New Business
Adjourn Meeting (Vote)