Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet
Final details, registration and the schedule for the 2023 New England Region Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet are now available. Registration is required for everyone attending the awards celebration dinner, and the cost is just $35. Those planning to ONLY attend the specialty, program and annual membership meetings during the afternoon, do not need to register. Those are open and accessible, free of charge, to any SCCA member.
Deadline to register for the banquet is Saturday, December 17.
Event Details
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center
242 Adams Place, Boxborough, MA
(Located off Rte 495 at exit 75)
COST: Awards Banquet – $35. Meetings only – Free
(TrPS may be used to cover the cost.)
Registration Closes: December 17

Meeting Schedule
12:00 NOON: Individual Specialty Program Meetings: Rally, Road Racing and Solo
2:00 PM: NER Annual Meeting
5:00 PM: Awards Celebration – Cash bar
5:30 PM: Buffet Dinner followed by Award Presentations
Dinner Menu
Buffet: Chicken piccata, roast loin of pork with balsamic fig glaze, fresh garden salad, baked artisan rolls, roasted herb potatoes, seasonal vegetables, assorted desserts. Please remember to include the number of people in your party when registering.
Hotel Reservations
The Boxboro Regency Hotel is holding a limited block of rooms for New England Region at a rate of $104.00 per night. Call the hotel directly for reservations. Please mention SCCA/NER to receive this rate. 978-263-8701
Any questions, please contact Donna Stevens by email.