Historically, the NEDiv Mini-Con has been held in November. This year, we’re going to see a change at the request of the NEDiv council. Instead, the 2018 mini-con will be held February 15-16, 2019. Registration is now open!
The Mini-Con will pull together SCCA competitors, crew, administrators and other members from throughout the Northeast. We’ll gather to train new stewards, discuss programs, provide relevant content and presentations across different programs, present divisional awards and, of course, socialize and have some fun outside of a competition weekend.
Susquehanna Region is excited to be the host of this year’s Mini-Con.
Special Presenter: ROGER JOHNSON
If you’ve got Solo course designers in your region, they’re not going to want to miss this year’s divisional convention. When it comes to any autocross event, the course defines the experience more than any other part of the event… and when it comes to course design, Roger Johnson is the Guru. This year, he’ll be joining us at the NEDiv Convention for a 2-hour session on course design!
1150 Camp Hill Bypass
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Link to the Schedule of the sessions on the schedule.
Cost is the same as years past, and you’ve got some options on how to attend. It’s $150 for full access to all sessions, the Friday night cocktail party, the luncheon and any other fun future additions to the schedule. That’s reduced to $120 if you decide not to join us for the awards luncheon, and just $40 if you bring a guest who doesn’t want to attend sessions but does want to join in the fun of the lunchtime awards.