The New England Region SCCA is partnering with our many friends and clubs (Boston BMW CCA, NE-SVT, TC-USA, PCA-NER, PCA-NCR, BSCC, and RMC) to come together to put on a Tire Rack Street Survival Weekend at Moore Airfield at Devens. NER will host on Saturday, July 20, 2024, and Boston BMW will host on Sunday, July 21, 2024. All are welcome to help out either or both days regardless of affiliation.
A Tire Rack Street Survival School is for licensed or permitted drivers aged 15 to 21 years old. It’s a safe driving school including both classroom instruction and participation in dynamic exercises to learn how to perform emergency avoidance maneuvers safely. We will put on this charitable, not-for-profit event as part of an effort to reach out to the local community by using our experience and expertise to help teach the next generation to be safer drivers on the street.
In order to safely and efficiently run this event, we need the following assistance. If you can help, please contact Melanie Kwong or Justin Chen or Jerry Papenhausen.
We need to fill both schools with as many customers as we can. All permitted or licensed drivers aged 15 to 21 years old are eligible to participate. Please feel free to post our Customer Links anywhere in the New England Region where we might garner interest. This includes parent groups, drivers schools, high schools, etc.
Boston BMW CCA School Registration
We need both In-Car Coaches as well as many other Logistics roles such as Safety Stewards, Food Runners/Handlers, Cone Shaggers, and other general Gofer duties. If you would like to be an In-Car Coach, you will be required to take the Tire Rack Street Survival Online Training Certification.
Click here for the online coach certification course.
Regardless of whether you want to be an In-Car Coach or just help with logistics in other ways, we would appreciate if you would register to be a volunteer for Saturday’s event here:
NER’s Saturday Volunteer Sign Up
If you would like to volunteer for Sunday’s event hosted by Boston BMW, contact Justin Chen via email at [email protected].
Semi 18-wheeler Tractor Trailer Rig with Trailer attached
We need an 18 wheeler or other large tractor/trailer rig to show up around lunchtime on both days (can be the same or different truck). The truck will *NOT* be involved in any dynamic exercises at all. We will be looking to park the truck at lunch time and also park a few cars in front of, behind and in the blind spots of the rig. We would also like to invite our students, parents, and coaches to sit in the driver’s seat in the cab of the parked, not-running truck to see the view out. We would also appreciate a quick talk from the truck driver about his or her experience out on the roads. We can offer lunch and advertising space in exchange for about an hour’s worth of time at lunchtime on either Saturday or Sunday or both.
Undeployed Airbags
We need approximately 5-6 undeployed airbags. Got a racecar you pulled the airbag out of? Parting out wrecked Minis in your spare time? Send us your surplus airbags. We are going to run a demonstration setting off an airbag at lunchtime and we need both a primary and a back-up for both days plus we might need one or two practice runs to try this thing out ahead of time. If anybody has any experience with this and would like to help out, we would take it. We also need inexpensive airbags.
Race Against Leukemia continues to be NER’s main focus charitable endeavor and there will be a big push to participate in that this year. Please feel welcome to spend your first charity dollars there, but this Street Survival non-profit event needs to cover costs and would welcome any donations.
Sponsorships – Sponsorships and advertising are available to help cover expenses. If you run a small business or otherwise are interested in sponsoring this event–or know someone who is–we would love to hear from you.