2021 Autocross Season Begins
The start of the 2021 solo season kicked off on Easter Sunday, April 4 with the first event at Devens airfield. Drivers returned after the winter and severely shortened 2020 season to a fresh start and new beginning for this year.
Final results are now available for the inaugural event. Photos were also taken by Shawn Pan and available to be shared and downloaded.
2021 Covid Guidelines
For this season, many of the Covid guidelines remain in effect from last year. This includes all participants wearing masks and socially distancing as much as possible. The current limit on attendees is 150 people at the site. We are allowing novices to compete, however instructors will not be riding along. Feedback and instruction can be given before/after runs, or through shared video.
From a Novice Perspective
David Bocchichio and his son Liam were novices at this event. Finding autocross has opened up a new world of adventure and activity for David, after a life-changing medical diagnosis last year. Read his story and learn more about how solo is giving him a new beginning.
Finding A New Beginning Through Autocross